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An analysis of the rental bike market in Berlin

200 lines of code (Python)

2018 was a wild summer for the rental bike market in Berlin. Many new bike systems pushed into the market in the beginning. By now, two have already left. In between, I counted every rented bike I saw. Which bikes got rented the most?

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Starting off in data science

200 lines of code (R)

A little more than a year ago, I decided to pursue a career in data science. Today, I work as an educational data scientist for StackFuel, a small start-up in Berlin. How did I do it?

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SQL versus R - who is faster?

225 lines of code (R)

Is it worth organising your data in a data base if all you are interested in is speed? It depends on what you are doing with the data. This guide teaches you where to expect speed advantages of SQLite and R.

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Germany discriminates against foreign grades

280 lines of code (R)

There are more than 23,000 Germans studying in the Netherlands. Many of them don’t realise that back in Germany they will be penalised. The reason is foreign grade discrimination. What can be done about it?

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The Rich Data guide to beer

200 lines of code (R)

I sampled millions of beer ratings from the biggest beer rating sites around in order to answer all the questions beer lovers have. What is the best beer? What makes it so good? Where are the best beers made?

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