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Interested in data science? Welcome to Rich Data.

I did my PhD in the neurosciences of music and language at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen (The Netherlands).

I am data scientist at Turbit. For more details, see my CV.

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My previous blog, Brain’s Idea, ran from January 2012 to March 2017, focusing on the science of the mind and brain. It earned accolades such as being featured on wordpress Freshly Pressed, the BPS research digest (twice), and the Smithsonian magazine. Its posts show how my interests gradually shifted from psychological science to data science. At some point, a new topic asked for a new infrastructure and name. And so Rich Data was born.

Comments, suggestions, job offers? Please get in touch with me on twitter (@rikunert) or via e-mail (rikunert AT gmail DOT com).

Special thanks to Joshua Lande and his excellent tutorial on how to set-up a website with Jekyll, and to Plainionist for the cookie consent hint.


Dr. Richard Richard

Kirchhofstr. 12
12051 Berlin
